Friday, January 26, 2007 |
Moviefone |
Hmm, I want to see 300 sooooo bad. Smokin Ace's looks good too. And I still haven't seen Children of man. I'm so behind the movie curve.
... my hearts aflame, my body's strained, but god i like it... |
you can't get Nex Brannan to shut up @ 5:38 AM  |
Children of Men was really good. Like shockingly good but maybe because I'll see any shitty movie that comes out in theaters.
I arrived late at the Children of Men showing, and the only seats available were the ones right in front of the screen. Most of the showing I had my eyes closed, to prevent myself from barfing all over the place, or my head down so I wouldn't hurt my neck. So I really can't tell you if that movie was good or not. >.<
Smoking Aces... it wasn't awesome, it wasn't bad. All the reviews are right. It's an idea that's been done before and done better.
I still liked it though. The ending was kinda lame.
I want to see Children of Men! It's just come out on DVD over here! YAY!
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Children of Men was really good. Like shockingly good but maybe because I'll see any shitty movie that comes out in theaters.