Monday, December 4, 2006 |
Shirt |
Working on a dress shirt worn open tonight, I need to do some new shades too. A girl at work brought in her Lost season 1 boxed set, so I could start getting caught up I guess. I told her I really enjoyed "Heroes" and she said she did too, and that I was missing out not watching Lost.
It's snowing, and the roads are for shit. :( I hate winter. If I could get a job in Cali or someplace warm like that we'd be gone in a minute. I just don't have the time or credentials (degree, certificates, portfolio) so it's not gonna happen.
Bleh :P |
you can't get Nex Brannan to shut up @ 3:45 PM  |
My company is hiring and we're in Orange County. Can't beat the weather. :-P
Dude. You will love Lost. It's really messed up and the characters have more depth than Heroes. (But i love Heroes. Waffles! Woohoo!)
Mmm, dress shirt - can't wait to see it. Oh, and why not move to Aussieland. It's summer here. ;)
@trin Ohhhhhh gimme jobz!
@Noam Benda time an spacea!
@kota I wish! I hear there's REALLY hot women down there too ;)
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My company is hiring and we're in Orange County. Can't beat the weather. :-P